Music Sound Branding
Music Sound Branding
Mystical Night offers unique sound branding to suit your company, products, services and PR methods.
Produce sound branding for various genres.
In addition to conventional CI, MI, BI and VI, SI can be incorporated for even more effective PR.
Simply hearing the melody suddenly brings to mind the name of the company, product or service.
These are because the sounds are dropped deep into a person's subconscious mind.
This is because, in addition to sight, hearing also plays a very important role in making the target audience aware of the product.
Mystical Night discover and create your sound identity.
Combination of sounds (music, speech, material sounds, nature sounds, etc.) conveyed by the auditory system and tuned to a high-quality balance,
We can provide you with more effective promotional music.
By strategically developing music for the target audience, the branding of the target company, product or service is built (expressed) through sound.
Sound Identity
Intel sound logo (jingle), McDonald's 'I'm Loving it', Apple computers or BMWs,
Many companies are recognising the importance of sound identity and sound.
Each company includes a special and unique sound identity (corporate brand image through sound) as its brand mind identity.
In addition to the catchphrase, the logo, which is the symbol of the company, is produced in a way that maximises the recognition effect of the company, products and services through sound.
MBW Sound Logo
BMW has evolved its sound logo over time,
The initiative gives an image of the company's vision for the future and its changing identity as well.
Old Version
New Version
Sound Branding 5 Rules


Mystical Night is a music branding production based on five rules.

T Relevant seconds, realistic, concise and easy to understand.
E Impressive and memorable.
M Familiar, easy to remember, nostalgic.
What you value or can relate to.
P Grating and reassuring.
No matter how many times you hear it, it is a pleasant
experience that you don't have to feel bad about.
O It is clearly different and unique from other companies.
Relevance of the product, in relation to the company,
its products and services, and its strengths.
Expressing what you want to say.
Why is the Sound Branding Necesary
Music and sound have the power to enhance and bring out customers' purchasing intentions swiftly.
Itcreates a long-lasting willingness to buy.At the same time,Decreased willingness or the option not to buy.Prevents the following.
Sound identity is a highly original and effective way of differentiating yourself from your competitors.
To achieve this, advertisers need to be both passionately overflowing and deeply committed to beauty, and strive to make their customers aware of the symbolic elements.
As such, thoughtful strategies and tactics that utilise music are expected to have the following positive impacts on brands

What is the Merits of Sound Branding

1.Quality of brand perception is improved and, at the same time, through the accumulation of multiple sensory perceptions.Reinforcing the brand image

2.Thanks to the quality music that is delivered, new customers can be attracted more effectively.

3.The repeated sound plays to help consumers identify you more quickly and reliably.

4.Radio, television, internet, telephone, corporate video and multimedia applications,
It catches consumers in many of today's communication media, such as dealerships and reception areas.

How should We make use of Sound Branding

Sound branding has a significant impact and influence on people via sound.
Different types of benefits exist. Here are some of the most common ones.

1. Masking Effects

Concealing one sound with another plays an important role.
For instance, it has the effect of creating a space at an event where people can enter the attraction of the event without worrying about neighbouring conversations or noise.
2. Emotion-inducing effects

Music has the effect of engaging, inducing and controlling people's emotions in a short time.
Relaxing background music is played in hospitals and other places to ease patient anxiety.
It raises the parasympathetic nervous system and reduces anxiety, which is also linked to pain relief.
3. Image induction effects

The image does not only come from the sense of sight, but also from the sense of hearing, which is also important.
The human brain judges and is affected even if the person does not think he or she is listening.
Impressions of space and images can be created by using music to create a sense of luxury, healing and a fast tempo.
Various emotional benefits can also be achieved, such as increased willingness to buy.
4. Behavioural induction effect

You can change 'behaviour from emotion' by giving music that can precisely elicit the effects of 1.2.3.
An example is that fast-tempo background music makes people walk faster, while slow-tempo sounds make people walk slower.
Strategically elaborate various music genres, sound quality, volume, etc., effectively for the customer's product and environment.
Maximum effectiveness can be achieved through production.
Promotion & Sound Branding

Using targeted sound promotions can be more effective.

MYSTICAL NIGHT has staff who can handle English and French.
If you are considering doing business abroad, our interpreters and translators will ensure that all services run smoothly.
Don't worry if you don't speak or understand Japanese. We will support you fully.

Our services can all be provided in Japanese English and French.